Thursday, October 28, 2021

5 Benefits of Channel Letters Every Business Owner Should Know

If you own a business, you owe it to yourself to explore all of your sign options, so you can make the best decision for your business. Too often, we find small and medium-sized businesses assume a channel letter sign isn’t for them. Don’t cut these efficient, cost-effective, and stable signs out of the running just yet. Here are five of their top benefits, for any business.

Channel Letters Sign Orlando

1. Channel Letters Are More Visible

They are thicker than the lettering on other signs. This 3-D look enables them to stand out in more lighting and harsh weather conditions. These letters cast internal and external shadows and can be backed by a variety of lighting options to best catch attention. When your business is more visible, it can get more traffic, make more impressions, and spread your brand message further.

2. LED Channel Letters Can Be Energy Efficient

They can be very energy efficient, reducing your operating costs and reducing your company’s impact on the environment. In fact, LED channel letters can be more impactful than other lit signs while retaining their energy efficiency, as you don’t light the space around the letters, just the letters themselves. Using less energy and light, but making a bigger statement is a win-win.

LED Channel Letters Sign Orlando

3. You Can Place Channel Letters Almost Anywhere

Sure, they are heavy, but they have a variety of secure mounting options your sign professional can choose from to ensure you get your sign exactly where you want it. Though they are most often secured to the face of buildings, channel letter signs can be put almost anywhere else.

4. Channel Letters Are Completely Customizable

The shape, color, font and light quality are all completely customizable. At Visual Signs, we can create a custom channel letter sign that perfectly captures your branding. Or, we can create one that is unique if you want the sign to represent something other than your brand. Some companies and cities use them as tourist attractions and opportunities for customers to get a great Instagram shot.

5. Channel Letter Signs Are Cost-Effective

Even small and new businesses can afford to buy and maintain them. They are more cost-effective than you may think, especially considering the impact they can have on your business.

Explore Your Sign Options with Visual Signs Not sold on channel letter signs. Get a sign consultation with the experts at Visual Signs & Graphics. We can advise you as to whether this sign type is right for your business.


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